Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lady of Faith

Yes, yes, I'm terrible when it comes to updating!  But at least I'm posting now right? ;)  Okay, so today I read chapter 3: Lady of Faith.  This chapter really stuck with me because I often find myself doubting God's will or His timing.  So this chapter really made an impression on me.

A fruit whose blossoming aroma
Inspires one to victory
and sustains one after loss."   These were the opening words to this chapter. The whole first page of the chapter talked about how women often relocate to other states because their home states don't have enough men!  Then, they went on to talk about this woman who went to a Christian college assuming she would find her future husband.  She came from a very small town (like I'm living in now), and assumed that the only way she'd ever find a boyfriend/husband would be to leave her hometown.  But, she was wrong. When she came back to her hometown, she found a husband.  "Her logic did not find Mr. Right. She returned to a hometown barren of many males, and God, who is not limited by our circumstances, delivered her mate from way out in 'left field.' God did not honor her logic, but He did honor her faith in Him to meet her needs."  Goodness, does that mean I could find a boyfriend in this tiny little town?!  That question is hypothetical, but still, it does apply. 

The authors used the comparison of Ruth and Orpah to demonstrate how there are 2 different types of women: those who have sensual/logical sight (like Orpah) and those who have eyes of faith, like Ruth.  Orpah returned to Moab because she'd be able to find a husband there; Ruth chose to abandon her heritage and the familiar for a life that more than likely did not include a husband or family.  She chose to follow God with faith.  It's really a different way of looking at the story of Ruth and Naomi.  I've always wondered why Orpah chose not to go with Naomi.  Was she just not devoted to Naomi, or was there another reason?  The Bible doesn't actually say why Orpah went back to moab, but it makes one wonder: did she return to her homeland simply because it'd be easier to get a husband?  We don't know.  I've also, through reading this chapter, marveled at how much trust Ruth had in God.  Ruth was raised as a pagan. Her religious system had multiple gods, yet she chose to follow a God she knew almost nothing about.  Even though she was a new Christian, as we would say, she was able to trust God with her uncertain future.  I've been struggling with the issue of trusting God lately.  It comes almost second nature when you're in the ministry.  People might think that preachers and their families always have it together, but we don't.  Often, we doubt God's will in where He's put us.  We wonder why we're here.  We wonder if we're doing any good.  We fear we're failing Him and His church.  "Satan wants you to believe the lie that cripples faith: God cannot be trusted."  Ouch. No wonder I feel like my faith has been in critical condition and on life support for so long.  I read that and thought, "have I really not trusted God?"  Oh, sometimes my human-ness comes out and I selfishly say that God has abandoned me, or is just punishing me.  But I know that it's not true.  Any time we've struggled to pay bills, He's provided some way to pay for them.  I don't always know how He does it, but often, He provides us with extra money to pay for bills or groceries.  It's amazing, honestly, how He uses people to carry out His will.  Like, when my car's windshield was bashed in a year ago, one Sunday school class's members contributed and gave us the money we needed to cover the cost of replacing the glass.  I, and my parents, were absolutely floored by such generosity!  Obviously, God used that SS class for His glory and for His purpose, not ours.  We knew that He must have laid that on those people's hearts and all praise went immediately to Him.  I certainly don't want my faith crippled by the lie that God can't be trusted.  If I just take the time to remember what He's done in the past, I can always trust Him with whatever lies ahead.

Then this chapter discussed how some women try to orchestrate a "chance encounter" with that guy they've had their eye on.  Not something I'm completely innocent of....though I will just leave it to say that in the past, I've tried my best to force God's hand and it hasn't worked.  "If Jesus wants you married, He will orchestrate the encounter" because "Jesus does have your best interest at heart. He desires to bless you by giving you the best."  Another thing I really liked about this chapter is how it stressed that circumstances and location does not limit God's ability to provide a spouse for you, even in a small town like this!

Well, I sort of feel like I'm just cutting this off, but I didn't get to finish filling out the discussions at the back,and I want to read chapter 4, so maybe there will be a 2nd post today! :)

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