Monday, April 29, 2019

Avengers: Endgame (SPOILER WARNING!)

Well, I'm sufficiently heartbroken over fictional characters after Thursday's viewing of Endgame.  Marvel is requesting no spoilers, but since you've been warned, and it's your choice to scroll down, it's your own fault if you read them!  So, stop reading now if you haven't seen it yet and want to remain spoiler free.


I don't even know where to start, to be honest.  The movie was a sucker punch in the gut for Marvel devotees, and I'd go from laughing to crying back to laughing and then to sobbing within the span of a couple of minutes.  Infinity War was awful initially, but then you realize that multiple vanished characters had sequel films coming up and you knew that somehow they'd be coming back.  So, similarly to how I started my Infinity War review, I'll make a list of all those superheroes who either died or survived by the time the end credits rolled. Characters marked with an * have an explanation at the end.

Captain America (yay!)
Bucky/Winter Soldier
T'Challa/Black Panther
Scott/Ant Man
Hope/The Wasp
Henry Pym and his wife (I've forgotten her name)
Bruce/The Hulk
Doctor Strange
Wanda/Scarlet Witch
Carol/Captain Marvel (duh)

(*Gamora "returned" because the Gamora at the end of the movie was from a different time period. Yes, time travel is heavily involved in this film.)

Tony/Iron Man ( :( )
Thanos (vanished)
Natasha/Black Widow

Did not return:
Gamora (from the correct timeline/time period)

Whew.  I fully expected Iron Man and Captain America to be the ones who died, but I did not anticipate Black Widow, AT ALL.  This scene was one of many that was hard to watch, mainly because she's an original Avenger.  Can I just admit, that I completely ugly cried as Tony was dying?!  I started out in the MCU not even really liking Iron Man, but I didn't realize just how much I've grown to love him throughout the last few years.  Ugh.  So. Dang. Awful!  But the character development there is incredible.  The little pushes they've given Iron Man over the years to move him towards where he is in this film is evident. He's not anything like the arrogant, self-absorbed billionaire we met in "Iron Man" (2008), and I think that is saying something not just of the writing/directing, but also Robert Downey Jr.  What a great performance and what a fitting send off for the hero who started off the MCU as we know it.

As for Captain America, there's a *small* part of me that was pleased with how they wrapped up his storyline. I've shipped Captain Carter (my ship name for Cap and Peggy) since the first Captain America film, and I've always thought he got cheated by not getting his happy ending with her.  I'm so glad he was able to get that happy ending, but like a friend mentioned to me, I wish there had been more time spent on their relationship in the past. Who knows? Maybe it'll be done later on.  Captain America has been my favorite from the very first time I saw the first movie of his, and really he's responsible for me even being a Marvel fan-I had discounted the MCU with the Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor films but when I saw Captain America (and that Avengers teaser at the very end of the post-credits), I was sold. How fitting, also, that they brought up Steve giving his shield (i.e. his mantle) to Sam (as from the comics).  and, can we just talk about THAT MOMENT when STEVE WIELDED MJOLNIR?!  So. EPIC!!!

I may have cried some happy tears when all of the Avengers came back together for the massive battle at the end. Seeing them all return one by one was incredible!  But I think my favorite part was when all of the female Avengers (excluding Black Widow, 'cause you know...) assembled and went against Thanos. If we don't get a female Avengers film sometime soon, then I'll have to go assembling some e-mails to Marvel execs!

I feel like this should be a much longer review, considering the film ran for 3 hours and it's spanned 11 years + 22 movies. I think I'd have to see it again to really delve into everything. I'm hoping to see it again soon so I can fully appreciate everything there!

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