Friday, October 7, 2011

Nearly There...

Whew.  My goodness, it's been a whirlwind of activity since August, and even since I last updated my blog.  Right now, we're currently in the process of wrapping up this first round of classes, as I had 2 finals this week (Anatomy and Physiology Lab, Radiology lecture), with 3 coming up next week (A&P lecture, Terminology, and Radiology Lab).  We'll start a new round of classes next Wednesday, which hopefully won't end up being as stressful as the first round was!
   Our Vet. Tech fall festival is this Sunday, Oct. 9 (1-6 p.m. in Starkville, MS at the Moncrief Dog park if you're interested!!! ;) ), and I'll be glad to get it over with.  We didn't have a lot of time to plan it out, so I hope it's successful.  One thing I know though, out of consideration for the juniors that will be coming in next year, we should do some planning for this event and not just drop it in their laps!  I also hope that if we have something in the spring, we start planning it now. ;)
     In other news, I've been accepted/inducted into the Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society.  I was inducted Tuesday evening.  In order to be a member, you have to do a community service project every month, which might be problematic since my tech. schedule is so up in the air right now, and sometimes things happen last minute with meetings and such.  BUT, it only has to be during this year, and we skip December since school lets out so early in December (like the very, very first few days of Dec.).  So I'm hoping that the GPB thing won't cut into anything with the program, but who knows? 
     This weekend promises to be extremely loaded/busy, what with studying for 4 finals and the festival on Sunday.  So, I better get off here and do some of that studying! ;)