Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Boredom Yields No Clever Title

You know, one of the problems with summer school is that you're generally focused on only one class at a time.  And you would think that you would be occupied enough so as not to ever be bored out of your mind. I certainly thought so when I started the July session, since I was taking 3 classes at the same time and at least one of those classes looked to be time consuming.  Here it is July 25th, and already I've completed my assignments for the summer, and have next to nothing to occupy the majority of my days with!  Some people would be insanely happy about not having homework during their day, and I suppose I'm one of the few college students who goes absolutely crazy with nothing to do that requires time and thought.  So far this week, I've managed to kill at least 2 hours a day with exercising, walking a mile at the gym and doing 10-15 minutes of other exercises to work the parts of the body that don't do much when walking.

Yeah.  That's what I thought you would say. "Who exercises in the summer when they don't have to?"  I do! I've made a promise to myself this summer to try and exercise more and eat healthier.  I started out walking with one of my classmates, but I quickly discovered that wasn't going to work as she wasn't exactly motivated to be faithful to a schedule of walking every week.  Another thing I've been working on is a latch hook pillow.  I hope to have it completely finished by Christmas to give it to a special little girl in my life that I love a great deal (my niece)!  My parents bought me the latch hook kit last summer to work on while I was bored, but I will admit, it's laid neglected in my closet up until this week.  On a completely different note: since Netflix introduced all 6 Star Trek series on instant streaming last fall, I've been slowly working my way through each one.  It started with Enterprise, and I'm roughly halfway through The Next Generation right now.  I used to hate TNG, but as I've watched more and more, it's started to grow on me and is not as annoying as it was.  When I finish TNG, I hope to watch all of the Original Series, as I've already seen all of Voyager one or two times.  Okay, so that's not impressive compared to most things in the world, but when you're bored and have nothing better to do, you start all kinds of crazy things.  I should go to the library and get a library card, but the motivation to do this has not existed.  Besides, when I start rotations in August, I probably won't have much time OR energy to read much of anything!

Well.  This entry killed about another 15 minutes of my day.  Time to find more ways to make the day pass more quickly....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Taking That Step

July 16th, and halfway through the second summer session.  I remember this time last year: I was grateful to have made it almost the whole summer for the first time away from home.  Then, I was ready to start my junior year of college and the VMT program.  Now, I'm looking at my senior year and my clinical rotations that begin in August.  Over the course of the last year, I have been struggling to find a church home.  I tried First Baptist, then three others until last month, I went back to FBC.  Instead of going back to the college ministry, which I found lacking (to be nice, I won't go into that at the moment), I found a young women's class that I've been enjoying.  I almost feel as if I'm out of touch with every other person my age because I don't care about the same things they do.  I will admit it: if you asked me to hang out with you, and I had an assignment due at the end of that week, I would tell you no even if I knew it wouldn't take me but ten minutes to finish.  Someone once told me that my grades were better than theirs, and my simple answer was: "I don't have a social life and I take what I do seriously".  It may sound sad, but not having a desire to be a party animal, hang out excessively with classmates/friends, etc. has played a part in the grades I make.

But anyway. I digress.  Last Sunday I joined FBC under their college watchcare program; basically, I'm a member, but didn't have to transfer my letter from my home church.  As of right now, I'm not sure what I'll be doing after I graduate next year, and so I don't want to make my church membership too permanent until I know for sure where I'll be going.  My sister and brother-in-law were there to support me, though I was so nervous my knees knocked together!  But, I survived, and I feel good about deciding to join.  The pastor talked for several weeks in a row about the importance of belonging to a church and finding God's place for you in a church.  I felt as if God was speaking directly to me through the preacher, and spent the last week just praying about it to be sure it's where He wanted me.  I did feel, however, as if God told me in the middle of the week: "Stop analyzing and obey what I told you!"  So, I did.  I stopped praying about it because I was overanalyzing.  My devotionals during that time seemed to be targeted toward obeying God and not taking forever to consider the decision.  This is a short blog post, but I've run out of things to ramble on about!