Sunday, May 15, 2011

Playing Some Catch-Up

I haven't felt much like blogging.  I even bought myself a journal and I haven't written a thing in it since March or April. I'm TERRIBLE at doing things like this! But regardless, here's a little update. 

First, May 12th I finished out my 5th and final semester at NCTC.  It's really hard to believe I've been out of high school for two years...and honestly, every time I look over old papers it's hard to believe it's been that long since I wrote them!  While I haven't received back all of my grades, I do believe I made it through with 3 A's and a B.  I was really hoping for an A in chemistry, but *sigh*, I could only pull out a B, which is actually okay with me.  I was making a B in the middle of the semester (!), and so I knew that regardless of what I made, I could be happy with the work I did. 

May 13th I had surgery to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth.  Some people were saying, "Friday the 13th?  Isn't that a bad day to have surgery?"  I didn't think so. I don't put stock in things like that, as I don't believe Christians should be afraid of so-called "bad luck".  The surgery went fine, except the recovery has been kind of rough.  Yesterday was probably the worst, as I had taken pain medication on an empty stomach, which resulted in severe stomach cramps, which then resulted in everything coming back up.   As I type this, I still am wearing an ice pack around my face because I'm running a slight fever and my mouth is still somewhat sore.  I can't wait for the day, though, when I get to eat normal food again and am able to chew like everybody else.  So far my diet has consisted of ice cream, pudding, jello, and the like, which normally wouldn't be bad, but when that's the majority of what you can eat, it gets really tiresome! 

That said, I'll be glad to have this all behind me since the next two weeks will be super busy! Summer classes start June 1st, and I have to be in the dorm by May 30.  That's only about 2 weeks away, and I'm beginning to worry I won't have a thing ready!  This week will be full of packing and deciding what to keep and what to leave home.  I've had countless people tell me they wish I wasn't going away, but as my parents have always told me, I have to spread my wings eventually.   People ask me if I'm excited to leave, and in a way, I am.  It's always exciting to move on to the next step in life, but also a little nerve wracking.  I mean, it will be the first time I'll be living away from home, and it's not like I can go home for the weekend.  For 10 weeks, I'll be in school nearly 5 days a week, and those classes last nearly all day.  So I doubt I'll have time to feel homesick much (or so I've been told; I don't really believe it. ;) ).  I did get accepted into the veterinary tech program, and I'll be part of the 2nd graduating class of the program!  So far I've had to take 2 rabies pre-exposure vaccines, with a third and final shot to come this week.  And I've been told countless jokes about THAT as well.  No matter, it's all in fun.  The program will no doubt be tough, but I am going to make it.  I've come way too far to just throw in the towel now. 

that's about all of my update.  I doubt I'll be blogging much through the summer, but maybe here and there I'll post a little something. :-)

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