Saturday, January 14, 2012

Crazy Love: Chapters 1 and 2

Okay, so far these posts might be pretty short, but that's because I don't have a great deal to say right now about the book.  So, here we go.

Chapter 1

This chapter opens with Chan asking, "What if I said, 'stop praying'?" Then it follows up with another question, "What if I told you to stop talking at God, but instead to take a long, hard look at Him before you speak another word?"  I think I have to agree with this statement.  We spend too much of our prayer lives telling God what to do instead of letting Him speak to us [I'm pointing a finger at myself here!].  I also found another statement on page 1 very true: "Our culture says anything goes; fear of God is almost unheard of."  Ouch.  But isn't that the case?  God is mocked, and so are His followers.  The best example I can think of is Tim Tebow.  If it were a Muslim praising Allah, I guarantee you not ONE word would be said about what is coming out of his mouth.  Thank the Lord for a person like Tebow who doesn't conform to what his peers demand, and that he is confessing His Savior in public.  You may call it preachy, but I call it being true to God's instruction to confess Him before men.  God will silence the mockers and the critics, in His own way and time.  But enough of that; back to the book.  Another point that Chan makes is that our world insists on either "ignoring or merely tolerating" Jesus.  However, like Chan pointed out, God doesn't call us to tolerate Him; He commands us to worship Him and Him alone. 

Later on in chapter 1, Chan says that "when I grow weary of trying to be faithful to Him and want a break, it doesn't come as a surprise to God."  Since about August, I've been struggling to feel at home here in Mississippi.  I've been struggling with finding a good church home/family, something I hope will be resolved in the next week or so.  But you know, God knew all that when He directed me to Mississippi State.  He knew I'd have a hard time, He knew I would struggle with being depressed and lonely.  What I'm going through never comes as a surprise to Him.  That's a comfort, especially considering that, if He knew my hard times, surely He knows about the good times and has a plan beyond the difficult spots. 

Chapter 2

This chapter brings up some points that I disagree with Chan on.  Namely, his statement that "worry and stress reek of arrogance."  While I agree that worry is or can be the result of a lack of faith that God can provide,  I disagree that stress is pure arrogance.  I know this is no excuse, but I believe stress to be at least a little biological.  Maybe it is due to our lack of faith at times, but I know people who are not in the least arrogant, and yet still struggle with stress.  I did agree with him, though, when he said that when your life is hard, God uses it to point to Him, and that is the entire point of our lives as believers: to point to Him. 

That's about all I have to say right now.  will post my thoughts about Chapter 3 when I read it.

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