Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Last week my parents and I finally got our tree down and up, though we didn't get lights on it until Thursday. For the past few years, our decorations have been going up later and later, because for a long time, they'd be up at the very first of November (yes we get a head start). Mainly because we wouldn't have time to put them up if we waited. But anyway, we have our tree lit, decorated, and beautified.

I realized anew how nerdy I am. I have 2 Star Trek ornaments: the classic communicator and classic phaser (from TOS), and I have 4 Star Wars ornaments: One from Revenge of the Sith, Two from A New Hope, and one from Return of the Jedi. I very nearly bought one from The Phantom Menace, but alas, Star Trek has pretty much taken the place of Star Wars. (The one from PHantom Menace was the duel between Qui-Gon, obi-Wan, and Darth Maul. Best part in the whole movie!).

But as I was putting my ornaments on the tree, I remembered how many memories are stashed away in them. Most of our ornaments are Hallmark Keepsakes. For example, I have several ornaments that go from "First christmas" to 5th Christmas. That was a long time ago! Nearly 18 years ago to be exact, as my birthday is a week before christmas. Goodness. I almost hate growing up, but as I'm growing up, I realize just how much I'm able to do. I'm able to drive on my own (to the chagrin of other drivers, I'm sure, haha), go places on my own, stay home on my own. You know as a kid, I never really wanted to drive so badly that I was chomping at the bit to get my license; in fact, I was quite hesitant to drive. 'Course, once I GOT my license, I couldn't wait to go places. Funny how life works, isn't it?

Then there are the Christmas movies and music. I watched White Christmas not long ago, and everytime I watch it, I remember just how silly I was as a kid. I pretty much know every song and dance number by heart. I used to dance to "The Best Things (Happen While You're Dancing)" when I was 6 or 7. Of course, anyone familiar with that dance number knows it's for a pair; Danny Kaye and Vera-Ellen did a fantastic number. But what really brings me back to my childhood is listening to Mannheim Steamroller, particularly their classics, "Christmas in the Aire", "Fresh Aire Christmas" and "Christmas". I love those albums! We would always listen to those while opening presents on Christmas day. Or we'd listen to them as we would drive around town while looking at Christmas lights, something we still do.

But most of all, it's the time of our Savior's birth. The plan of salvation was put into motion when He came to Earth to be born of Mary. Christmas isn't about presents. It's not about seeing your family or friends. It's about celebrating Jesus Christ's birth. The whole purpose of His coming was to save us from our sins and to offer us eternal life with Him. What's your focus this Christmas?

Oh, and btw, it's MERRY CHRISTMAS and not Happy Holidays. I urge all of you to say Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone, especially those who say Happy Holidays.

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