Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent/Pearl Harbor

Last Sunday (not yesterday) marked the beginning of the advent season. One year, my parents and I decided to do an advent wreath; where you have certain candles you light every week. We only did that one year because it seemed like a hassle. But in my devotional magazine (EC-Essential Connection), they suggested I keep a journal for Advent. So I'll post my thoughts here whenever I have them.

Today I finished watching The Nativity Story. I had actually started it 3 or 5 days ago, and I don't know why I never finished it, but anyway. My dad had preached a little on the Holy Spirit causing Mary to conceive Jesus in her womb while she was still a virgin (his sermon was yesterday). Funny enough, where I picked the movie up was the scene where Mary is met by the angel's news that she would be the mother of the Son of God. I love The Nativity Story; I think it's the most realistic and accurate portrayal of the Holy Family to date. Mary was completely willing to let the Lord lead her wherever He willed. She told the angel "let it be done to me as you have said", meaning that she would do whatever the Lord asked of her, even if it meant facing ridicule for being an unwed pregnant mother. Now technically she was married, but she wasn't allowed to live with Joseph until after their betrothal period (typically a year). I love how the film emphasizes her trust in God. Not just a fair weather trust, but a complete and total trust that He would be with her all the way. Many of us, including me, often lose sight of that. We forget to trust in good times, then when bad times come, we try to trust God and are disappointed if there aren't any immediate results. Mary trusted God 100%, and eventually so did Joseph.

Today also marked the 68th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Many men and women lost their lives during that, and those that were there who have survived are heroes. Every person serving in the military (with the exception of those who have turned on US troops) is a hero, whether they saw combat or not. So thank you to all our World War II veterans; and to any veteran/person who served in the military at one point. We owe you our freedom.

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