Friday, May 8, 2009

To Boldly Go...

My dad and I got to see the new Star Trek movie today. And for what it's worth, if you're rating it based on 5 stars, it gets 5, or if on 10 stars, 10. Absolute excellent movie, definitely well worth your time and money. Maybe not great in the way of Trek content, but definitely an awesome movie. 

I really expected it to be a little heavier than it was; but it was a mild PG-13, of which I'm glad. The sexual content that it was rated for really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, nor the language. All-in-all, one of the cleaner Trek movies (and that's surprising, because STar Trek III has some of the most language and it was made back in the 80s!) 

About the actors: I fell in love with Bones the very minute he appeared on screen. If anyone nailed the performance, it was Karl Urban. Bones is my favorite character of Star Trek; so that character was important to me. I didn't need to worry because he was perfect. My dad made the comment that he looked and sounded almost exactly like Deforest Kelley. He was on top of all the others in performance and he deserves two thumbs up. ;) 

Chris Pine was a good young Kirk. I say good because he just isn't William Shatner. I guess I'm spoiled on the original series and films starring Shatner, but he just isn't; in his defense though (Chris') he gave an awesome performance and also deserves two thumbs up for a job well done.

Zachary Quinto was also a good young Spock. The whole two Spocks thing confused me. I'm wondering why the timeline wasn't automatically reset with the destruction of Nero's ship, but Quinto gave a very convincing performance of a younger Spock who was in conflict and who was dealing with his human side. 

For the rest of the cast, their performances were sub-par. Uhura was probably the better out of Chekov, Sulu, and Scotty. I don't know why, but the other threes' performances just didn't impress me. Chekov did NOT have that thick of a Russian accent. You could pretty much understand everything he was saying; this new guy, hardly a word. 

But director\producer J.J. Abrams should be proud of this movie. He made a film that will\would appeal to an audience who maybe aren't Trek fans. He made it interesting without going overboard. He made the right choices (for Kirk, Bones, Spock, and Uhura) in casting decisions...and especially one in casting Nero. Eric Bana was awesome as the main baddie. 

The violence was also less than I expected. I could have done without the whole bug-in-Captain-Pike's-Mouth thing, because that just was creepy, but the rest of it, amazing and well-done. I also loved how the original series' theme was incorporated into the credits at the end. 

Go see it, even if you're not a Trek fan. You certainly won't regret it if you're an action\adventure kind of person! 

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