Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lady of Devotion

This chapter kinda convicted me on several levels, so if it seems vague, that's the reason why.

Yesterday, after traveling 5 hours and being tired to begin with, I didn't feel much like reading chapter 5.  So I read it a few minutes ago to catch up. This chapter talked about how single women can devote more of their time to developing their relationship with God than married women can.  She's able to focus on her Heavenly Lover without being distracted by an earthly boyfriend or husband.  One thing that got me with this chapter was the hammering on seeking God with your whole heart.  I certainly have not been doing that.  Oh sure, I try to have a daily devotional, but for the past year or more, I've felt like it's just something I do because it's routine.  In fact, a friend and I were talking about it one night, and I said, "you know, I just don't feel like doing my devotional; it's not something I look forward to, but rather something I do because it's part of my routine."  She responded, "I feel the same way. What's the point in doing something if your heart isn't in it?"  Now I know that we all go through days where we think, "I really don't have the time to sit down and do this devotional!  I have to be at work (or school, or church)."  So, if I ever need to be somewhere early, and I want to do a morning devo, I just have to make myself get up a little earlier so that I'm not pressed for time in getting ready OR in doing my devotional.  Did you know that seeking God is like developing a friendship?  Makes sense though, right?  I mean, in order to be *close* friends with somebody, you have to spend time with that person: getting to know them, what they like and dislike, their character and even their quirks.  It's the exact same way with God: In order to get to know Him on an intimate level, we have to stop and take a few minutes a day to just sit down and read the Bible and listen to what He has to tell us.  I've always been confused on how to "be still" and listen to God's voice.  But, I realize that whenever I get it into my head to journal my devotionals, sometimes I write two or three pages and it's something that I need to pay attention to.   Or in these authors' words: "learn to listen to Him as you read of His love and thoughts about you in the Bible. Think about what He is saying to you personally. Sit silently and write what impressions come to your listening heart." 

You could compare that to taking notes for a sermon.  Why do you take notes?  Just to have something to do?  For me, it's because I feel like I might want to look back on that information because I might need to be reminded of something that I've forgotten about God.  I try to pray this every SAturday night before church: "Lord, please help me to listen to what You have to tell me tomorrow, and please give my dad the words You want him to say, and the words You want me to hear. Convict me of any sin that needs to be taken care of."  I don't always listen to Him though, when it comes to sin. sometimes I act like I didn't hear Him.  But I want to cultivate more of a devotion to Him in me.  He either wants all or none of my heart, and it's time I give Him first place forever.  Now, at the end of every chapter are some spaces/questions where you can write down your thoughts/answers about the chapter.  In one of them, it asked me to read Deuteronomy 11:16 and 30:17, which basically warns me not to let my heart be deceived, and not to turn away and follow any other god(s).  The question related to those verses was: "What gods seek to distract your heart?"  A god in this sense can be anything that you value highly than God Himself.  Anything that takes 1st place or 1st priority.  I put that often the internet and Facebook distract me from spending time with God.  And it's true, whenever I'm away from internet for more than a day, I get grouchy!  I can't imagine not having internet at all.  And Facebook?  Well, I spend WAY too much time on Facebook doing absolutely nothing.  This week, though, I told myself, "This week, I'm not going to worry about having internet or not.  It's a time for visiting both sets of my grandparents that I don't get to see very often, and I'm not going to let the internet ruin that."  Now, those of you who know me know that I write fanfiction, and that was a big reason why I brought my laptop was so I could hopefully get some of those written.  And to write down my blogs, but now I have internet, so I'm able to post them immediately.  But I realized just how much time the internet takes up of my life.  So this week is kind of an internet abstinence week.  In fact, as soon as I finish this blog, I'll be disconnecting from the internet (even though it connects automatically) and enjoying the time with my amazing grandparents. 

So are you a lady or man of devotion?  Are you using your singleness to seek after God with your whole heart, undistracted by Facebook, the internet, or that guy/girl that you like?  Or are you like me, who tends to lose sight of the Person who should be #1?

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