Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lady of Purity

This chapter is hard to write about because it deals with sex and purity.  Yeah, so this one will be pretty short simply because I don't care to divulge my full thoughts on the matter. 

"We live in a day of blatant sexual impurity. A woman who marries, still a virgin, has become the exception, no the rule."  How true that is.  To me, that statement means not only a sexually pure woman, but a woman who hasn't gone beyond hugging/kissing.  People try to rationalize petting or touching as "well we didn't actually have sex", but it still is impure. Now my favorite part of this chapter was this: "a woman has a depth of soul that desires an intimate friendship, apart from anything physical, with the man she loves. She desires to be known for the woman she is, not just for her physical body."  One woman even said that she refused to call dating dating, but rather friendship building.  I thought, "well that's what i want to do! The dating relationship would only be an extension of the friendship."  Another thing this chapter touched on was saving your kisses for marriage/your future husband.  Everybody asks why I would choose to save my first kiss for my wedding day, and I tell them simply: my first kiss is like a piece of my virginity-once I give it away, I never get it back.  Why NOT save it for my husband?  Also, kissing someone can lead to more physical contact and can rapidly lead to sex.  I'd rather just avoid that altogether and save it for the wedding day.

An important thing to note: it's very vital that you have boundaries/standards before you go out on your first date. Don't set your standards as you go. Have your boundaries ready before you date. It's funny how their example standards are almost exactly like mine:

Date only growing Christian men (men who are constantly growing in their relationship with God)
Concentrate on the friendship- build a friendship with guys and the one that you will eventually start dating. Never stop being friends with that person.
Don't spend time with him (or any guy) when you're at home alone.
Don't give hugs and kisses freely
Don't lay down beside a man (it can lead to something you don't want it to).

I've run out of things to say...I think this is my shortest yet.

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