Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

This morning, my mom and I attended a tea party protest in Grayson County. There were at least 400 people there, while only about 4 Obama supporters (haha). I took some pictures with my phone, but couldn't find my regular camera, so I can't post any of them here.

But it was great. A little unorganized, though, but standing there with other people, letting my opinion be known, exercising my right to freedom of speech was awesome. It was my first demonstration\protest. The Tea Parties aren't about Republican or Democrat. They're about right and wrong. Both sides are at fault here. It's not just one side more responsible than the other, although the democrats have certainly contributed their fair share to it; it's about our rights as citizens.

Governor Rick Perry of Texas was on the Sean Hannity radio show yesterday, and he said something that made me like him, "The states created the federal government; not the other way around. It should stay that way." He, along with several other governors, have not only rejected the money from Washington, but they are also backing a bill that reinforces the 10th amendment (which, I believe, outlines the rights of states.)

A bunch of signs I saw today said that as well. It should be WE THE PEOPLE, not the politicans in Washington making our decisions for us.

Another sign I saw, "It's not about right or left: it's about right and wrong!". How true. I'm sure there were Democrats AND Republicans both in attendance at today's protest. It'll be the same around the country. I urge you, if possible, to participate in a TP Protest.

You'll be labeled as a right-wing extremist terrorist. Don't you wonder why the Obama administration has to label us as that? Because they're afraid of us. The majority of Americans who have common sense and who didn't vote for him are up in arms over his policies. They should have had the sense and intelligence to check Obama out in the first place instead of following the bias of MSNBC, CBS, and ABC!!!!! Now, everyone has to pay for those people's blindness and ignorance. Even those who work hard and live honestly.

Do something about big government. We are still free, and we are still the people and citizens of the United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could've gone to a TP.....sounds like the attendance was quite high across the USA!
