Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 Week Almost Down, 15 to Go

Week 2 of the Fall semester started yesterday, with my biology lab running until about 2:45 p.m. (from 12:30). I didn't realize it'd run so long, but it wasn't all boring...we got to work with the microscope, and I hadn't ever really had the chance to look through a "real" microscope (I have once or twice at the vet clinic, but I didn't get to prepare the slides or anything). I have good lab partners too; which is good for me since I'm not the greatest at doing calcuations!

History on the other hand is another story. Now I know that secular liberalism is everywhere and anywhere you go, but it's sickening when the teacher can't seem to get off a tangent of her own. Shouldn't every teacher be a little more neutral on subjects like that? (It's US History, btw). I felt slammed, attacked, and bombarded with just about everything that she said. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I really wish I had another history teacher, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up this semester and maybe get another one for the spring semester (hopefully). I have a position paper that is due in September, but I am already going ahead and working on it, because I only have 3 weeks to do it.

Composition is...blah. I don't like English, and I never have. I'm not big on group or class dicussions or anything like that.

Biology (the class) is okay; evolution of course is a mainstay; and painting humans as being bad people is key. So, along with writing a history paper, I have a "Biology in the News" report that is due in like October I think. My article (or source) is due Sept. 15th. I have plenty of time, but I am going to go ahead and start looking for things to use. At the end of the semester, a group presentation is due. My team members and I will put together a PowerPoint presentation about something biologically related, such as diseases, hereditary issues, etc... and each of us will take a section and talk about it. We have to do outlines for it, but I don't think any of it will be too bad; the worst part will be getting up to talk about it in front of 30 people plus the teacher!

I also am taking Beginning Algebra, since I failed the math portion of the THEA test. No biggie, I really needed help in math anyway.

Despite all my complaints about school, and the fact that I don't like the views being presented, I am determined to: 1. be a witness for Christ, 2. glorify Him in my work, and 3. Do my best at everything, and not give it up.


  1. In a way I'm sorry you are having to put up with these teachers, but on the other hand, it will make your faith grow...especially since you are doing to have to diplomatically defend it. As for your last paragraph...good for you!! I'm proud of you!

  2. That last paragraph good for you kenobi and i hope your project goes well it sounds like you are doing okay with it You will run into pain in the neck teachers for sure. I know i had my share in high school and jr High but stand strong for christ skywalker and he will back you up.

  3. @Rhyan, at least I don't have the feminazi, pro-abortion teacher(s) you did. I think this teacher might be a little more bearable. ;)
